Erbamea has published some books and has curated the reprint of others to provide useful tools not only to all people who, for professional choice, are concerned with health but also those who wish to enter the world of herbal plants and supplements to undertake And deepen their own "wellness path".

F. Mearelli, L. Corsi, L. Tarducci, D. Villa, A. Giogli, A. Mearelli
pages 1260 - first Edition September 2019
first reprint May 2020
Price 50,00 € Pure botanists are constantly changing the names of plants, and they often disagree with each other. Their studies periodically lead them to move plants from one species to another, from one genus to another and even from one family to another; but the strictly scientific botanical nomenclature is one thing, another is that to be used in the pharmacopoeias or in the practical use of the herbalist, the pharmacist or the doctor.
Some base their systematics on the morphology of the plants, others on their content in active principles, or on the genetic origins or the ultramicroscopic structure: an indescribable confusion arises in which the same specialists often do not know how to extricate themselves.
And if for botanical names there are conflicting positions, as regards the vulgar names we find ourselves immersed in a real jungle. Erbamea Index Plantarum is a work conceived some years ago with a specific purpose: to try to make a contribution to put as much order as possible in a vast, almost boundless world, like the names of medicinal plants.
A volume that could therefore represent a point of reference in the panorama of sector publications on the Italian territory for scholars, or even just lovers, of medicinal plants, for herbalists and for those who deal with regulatory aspects.
The authors hope is that this book will be recognized over time, as one of the most useful and practical Italian texts to consult on the names of plants.
It is composed of 750 plant cards, which constitute the second part of the book, which can be consulted by referring to a very broad index, which represents the first part of the text.
The index shows all the scientific names of the treated plants, their synonyms, the common names, dialectal Italian and of the various countries of the world: next to each name appears a number that coincides with that of a card present in the second part of the book.
Each card is therefore numbered, and corresponds to a single medicinal plant, and, inside it you can find: the main botanical name, the family to which it belongs, the most used Italian vernacular name and, subsequently, the list of synonyms botanists, the list of vulgar names divided by abbreviations of the various countries of the world (Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia and Oceania), the used parts of the plant, the internal, external and cosmetic properties, and, in some cases, even notes that report other news and curiosities.
E Mearelli, A. Giogli
Pages 320 - first edition september 2022
Price 39,90 € - Ed. Tecniche Nuove It is a fact that the average human life span has lengthened, and there is now a clear interest among people to strive for a long, healthy, energetic and independent life into old age. Supplements can be part of this 'health pathway' because, while they do not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, and even the use of drugs, they can not only provide us with important active ingredients to support and optimise normal metabolic activities, but also prompt us to change certain habits and build our own personalised health maintenance programme.
Consumers seem to have grasped this concept, as the market for food supplements has been growing steadily in recent years. This book consists of 95 factsheets dedicated to vitamins, minerals and other active ingredients that are the protagonists of the formulations of numerous supplements on the market. Each fact sheet contains information on each substance regarding its activity, directions for use, dosage, any contraindications, precautions for use or undesirable effects and, above all, if known, possible negative interactions or positive associations with drugs that could be taken at the same time.
Negative interactions and positive integrations with drugs are also the protagonists of two large summary tables, placed in the last part of the text, which can be a useful and quick reference tool not only for consumers of supplements, but also for doctors, pharmacists, herbalists and other health professionals, to support them in targeted advice and possible positive associations.
F. Mearelli
pages 1.208 - second Edition april 2024 - Only on promotion with Erbamea products It's a handy, quick-to-read text that contains not only basic information about a medicinal plant and its uses, but also a series of curiosities, suggestions and tips for more research.
There are 223 leaflets in alphabetical order. There are, of course, "all" medicinal plants, but besides the most significant of our herbal tradition there are also those typical of traditional medicine in other countries, some now of international use and others still little known and with potential to be discovered . For each plant, in addition to its properties and indications, not all preparations are deliberately reported, but only the "just prepared", that is, those that the author thinks useful to extract the active principles attributed to the therapeutic activity of the plant, Beyond of course at the "right dose".
The Commission and Germany were taken as a reference for preparations and dosages of plants belonging to Western tradition, for Chinese and Indian plants referenced to their respective Official Pharmacopoeia.
Contraindications, side effects and drug interactions are also reported when known, because their knowledge is a very important and not negligible modern problem.
The book is accompanied by a rich bibliography, which is necessary for any insights that the reader will find useful.
Energy, Balance and Harmony.
F. Mearelli, A. Giogli
Pages 64 - first edition september 2020
Price 10,00 € The authors propose 13 monographs dedicated to the main adaptogenic tonic plants, a heritage of traditional oriental Chinese and Indian medicine.
Plants that we could define 'of harmony', because, with their many different active ingredients, they modulate many physiological regulatory mechanisms in the body, leading to an increase in psycho-physical performance that is maintained over time.
A valuable aid, therefore, for overcoming psycho-physical fatigue and everyday difficulties and maintaining one's balance, and above all for keeping active and fit and staving off ageing. The advice on diet and lifestyle is also valuable.
F. Mearelli
pages 224 - reprint may 2022 - Price 15,00 € Designed to provide fans of medicinal plants with a practical, easy and quick reference tool, which illustrates the different possibilities offered by plants to maintain healthy well-being.
It consists of four chapters which respectively contain 152 cards of medicinal plants, 44 cards of essential oils, the buds derived from them with their possible associations and some suggestions of treatment schemes, and a recipe book for the preparation of herbal teas.
Comprehensive recipe book of medicinal herbs
L. Palma
pages 729 - year of pubblication 1958, anastatic reprint 2005
Price 40,00 € It is a manual that is not intended for the simple reader, but is also designed for those who practise herbal medicine professionally.
In the first part of the book, ailments are listed, followed by some 4500 recipes for their treatment. This is followed by the systematic grouping of 312 medicinal herbs, according to their properties, accompanied by black-and-white illustrations. The third part is devoted to the preparation of oils, syrups and tinctures.
Botany, chemistry, pharmacodynamics, therapy
L. Palma
pages 838 - year of publication 1964, anastatic reprint 2006
Price 50,00 € It is a work that presents 589 monographs of medicinal plants of the Italian flora, including, alongside the best-known ones, rare wild orchids, lichens and algae.
Each card, accompanied by a detailed drawing of the plant, gives precise information on its habitat and botanical characters. The parts used in herbal medicine, chemical composition, pharmacodynamic action, therapeutic use and dosage are then indicated. The last section of the book is entirely devoted to a series of indexes, listing all plants by botanical name, generic name, and dialect name in Italian (divided by region), French, English, German and Spanish.